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Making a BSpoke Pattern.

Assembling a BSpoke Pattern that you have printed at home is fairly simple, however, it can appear daunting if you have never done it before.


Here we share a video to quickly run you through the basics, some helpful hits and a step-by-step guide to help you master putting your BSpoke Pattern together.

What you need


Before getting going, we suggest you have the following equipment to hand:


1. For sticking the pages together, you can use either:


  • Sticky Tape, preferably on a dispenser

  • Glue Stick

  • Double sided tape


    We use sticky Tape, but feel free to do what best suits you.


2. A ruler that measures CM accurately. Most plastic rulers are fine, but we use a metal to the edge type.


3. For trimming the margin you can use either:


  • Pencil and paper scissors

  • Scalpel and metal ruler


Helpful Hints


  • If you followed the instructions in our ‘Printing Your BSPoke Pattern - Know How', your pattern will have printed on multiple A4 sheets. Depending on your printer setting it will have either printed top left to bottom right or vice versa. If the pages get mixed up, don’t panic, just use the onscreen PDF in Adobe Reader on your device as reference - A bit like a jigsaw puzzle. 


  • You will notice that the pattern has a handy grid in the background, this grid is constructed of 5cm squares, so when putting the pages together the squares on different pages will line up and all need to measure 5cm.


  • It’s imperative to the assembly of the pattern, and ultimately fit of the made garment, that each grid square measures 5cm horizontally and vertically.


  • There’s no need to trace out the pattern to make your garment, as you can always print out another copy, but feel free to trace it if you’d like.


Step-by-Step - Making your BSpoke Pattern.


  • Each page has a print margin of about 5mm.


  • The right and bottom margins on all of the pages will need to be trimmed off, with the exception of the last page in the row  (only trim off the bottom margin) and the last row of the pattern (only trim off the right margins).


  • Trim the margin by drawing a line along it with a pencil & ruler, then cutting along the line with paper scissors. Or use a ruler and scalpel, whichever you prefer.​​


  • Tape/stick the pages together, measuring the grid at the top, middle and bottom, each time you stick pages together - adjust where necessary to make sure the grid measures 5cm.


  • Tape/stick together pages to from all rows of the pattern first, then stick together all rows.


  • Once all the pages/rows are assembled, the pattern pieces can be cut out.

                                                                                                                                                                                               Happy Sewing!

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