The Bust Measurement
The Bust is a critical measurement for tops and dress. It will likely taken in conjunction with other measurements, such as bust points, back and high bust, to ensure a good fit.
As with all circumference measurements, the easiest way to find your bust line is by using a lightly tensioned, knotted loop of elastic. Note I say ‘lightly tensioned’ as you don’t want it to dig in.
Pop this over your head and down to the fullest part of your breasts, the elastic should be parallel to the floor and directly over the nipples.
Make sure your arms are relaxed at the side of your body and get someone to measure around the piece of elastic. Or use a self-measure tape measure.
If you don’t have anyone to help you take your measurement, you can do it on your own. Just hold the measuring tape in both hands, bring it around your bust, and put your elbows down at your sides.